Teaching creatives how to present their best selves and build lucrative careers.

Dear Creative,

Your portfolio website can make or break your creative career.

How do I know? It did for me. Let me explain.

My design portfolio website has awarded me with opportunities to work with fortune 50 companies, have clients reaching out to me for project, travel the world, and create a life for myself where I decide what to do.

How did that all happen?

I stopped treating my design portfolio website as a graveyard for my work. And made it the most important project of my creative career.

I have found two problems that happen repeatedly while doing portfolio website reviews.

  1. Designers and creatives do not know how to market themselves.
  2. Designers and creatives do not know how to tell the stories of their projects.

This is where I come in!

As a professional designer for the last 10+ years. Working with companies of all different shapes and sizes. Clients with all different ranges of budgets. I know what people like to see on a portfolio website when it comes to hiring and working with creatives.

During my portfolio reviews, we cover everything from the how to create an impactful homepage. How to structure your projects to create an engaging visual story. How to network and attract clients. And any other questions you might have.

Check out this recent portfolio review!

Which review is best for you?

I offer two types of portfolio reviews. Solo and 1-on-1 reviews.

Solo reviews are for creatives that have a busy schedule and need quick guidance. You submit your portfolio website. Along with a few points you’re struggling with. And I will review your portfolio website and send you the recording along with my notes.

1-on-1 reviews are for creatives that have the time to meet over Zoom and want to dive deep into some of the question they might have. During a 1-on-1 review you have time to introduce yourself and your current situation. Ask me any questions you might have about clients, choosing an area of focus, how to find jobs, etc. Since 1-on-1 reviews are longer in time, it is really up to you how you would like use them. But you can guarantee that afterwards you’ll have clear action steps that you can take to improve your portfolio website. And your progress in your creative career.

Ready for your review?

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Solo Portfolio Review
“Jon provided a lot of good insight on the portfolio, from what he liked to what could be adjusted or built on. There were specifics on items of how to improve anything from load time to hierarchy of case studies to giving direction of other designers to look at for inspiration. I appreciate the thoroughness and overall input along with the turn around time on the review.”
Solo Portfolio Review
“You helped me so much on my portfolio!”
Solo Portfolio Review
“It was so helpful to have somebody completely disconnected from me personally able to give an objective view on my portfolio. It was great to just be able to uninterrupted see somebody else navigating the site. The PDF is super great to work through to make changes based on your advice.”
1-on-1 Portfolio Review
“The portfolio review was nice and concise and well worth the time. I definitely gained valuable insights through it.”
1-on-1 Portfolio Review
“To be honest it’s really helpful now I know what to focus on the most And for a Free portfolio review it’s pretty Good 👍🏻 Excited to update my portfolio after taking notes Thank you Jon 🤍”
By signing up to receive this freesource, you agree to receive occasional emails from The Design Guy.
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