Discover if Adobe Portfolio is the right choice for your graphic design career. Explore its benefits and limitations as a solution for showcasing your work effectively.

In the realm of portfolio website builders, Adobe Portfolio stands out as one of the most widely-discussed tools. However, is it the ideal solution or a temporary fix? For graphic designers and creatives, a compelling portfolio website is essential to showcase their skills and attract clients. Adobe Portfolio offers a quick and accessible solution, as it is included with an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. But is it truly the best choice for every designer? In this article, we'll explore Adobe Portfolio's features, benefits, and limitations to assess its suitability as a portfolio website tool. Additionally, we'll consider whether it should be seen as a short-term solution for emerging designers or if alternative options align better with long-term career goals.

Overview of Adobe Portfolio

Overview of Adobe Portfolio

Adobe Portfolio is a web-based platform designed specifically for creatives, including graphic designers, photographers, and artists, to showcase their work in the form of professional portfolio websites. Seamlessly integrated with Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Portfolio offers a range of features that make it an attractive option for presenting creative projects. Here are some key features of Adobe Portfolio:

Customizable Templates

The platform offers a selection of ready-made templates that serve as a starting point for creating a visually appealing portfolio. These templates can be customized with different colors and access to hundreds of typefaces thanks to the Adobe Font Library to match the designer's unique style. Not all templates follow the same structure or layout allowing designers and creatives to find a suitable template that will fit their aesthetic, design style, and goals.

Adobe Portfolio's Theme Gallery

Simple Interface

Adobe Portfolio provides a very minimally designed interface, making it understandable even for those with limited web design experience. With only a few toggles, drop-downs, and selections available, Adobe Portfolio allows designers to easily customize their selected template’s layout and look.


In an increasingly mobile-driven world, Adobe Portfolio's templates ensure that websites created on the platform are responsive and optimized for different devices and screen sizes. This cuts out the headache of ensuring that your portfolio website looks and functions well on desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices.

Adobe Portfolio's Interface Layout

Behance Integration

I think this is one of my favorite features of Adobe Portfolio. Adobe Portfolio seamlessly integrates with Behance, the popular online platform for creatives to showcase their work. This integration allows designers to sync their Behance projects directly to their new Adobe Portfolio website, ensuring a consistent and comprehensive online presence. Talk about knocking out two birds with one stone.

Custom Domain

Adobe Portfolio allows users to connect custom domains to their websites, conveying a more intentional online presence. This is a nice-to-have feature but not always the most important especially when you're just starting out as a graphic designer.

Included with Adobe CC Subscription

One of the main reasons why Adobe Portfolio is so popular is because it comes included with an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. Kind of like why Microsoft Word is still so popular, because it comes with every Windows PC. When it’s offered as a free addition to something you already pay for, it becomes hard to ignore it.

Overall, Adobe Portfolio is a very convenient solution for graphic designers to create and manage their first portfolio website. Its simple interface, ready to customize templates, integration with Behance, and responsive design make it a graet option for designers seeking a platform to quickly display their projects to potential clients and job opportunities. However, is Adobe Portfolio all sunshine and flowers?

Adobe Portfolio Limitations

Adobe Portfolio Limitations

Although Adobe Portfolio offers a range of features, it's crucial to acknowledge its limitations. Understanding these potential drawbacks is essential when considering Adobe Portfolio as your portfolio website solution. Here are some limitations I think you be aware of:

1\. Limited Customization

Adobe Portfolio's customization options are limited compared to other platforms such as WebflowFramer, Squarespace, and ReadyMag. If you are looking to incorporate any sort of interactions throughout your portfolio website, Adobe Portfolio will not be for you. Additionally, since Adobe Portfolio relies on pre-designed templates, this leaves little to no room to alter the selected template apart from typography, color, and spacing. Elements such as the navigation, project thumbnails, and grids are pre-defined by the chose template. This lack of customization within a single template is somewhat remedied by the fact that Adobe portfolio provides multiple versions of the same general template that may include slight differences when it comes to these elements.

Navigating Adobe Portfolio's Interface

2\. Functionality

Overall, I found Adobe Portfolio to be somewhat clunky when it comes to the functionality and actually using it to build a design portfolio website. Adobe Portfolio works off the idea that, the less options you have available to change, the less work you ultimately have to do, and the sooner you can have a portfolio website up and running. While I can appreciate this sentiment it feels like the Adobe Portfolio team did half the work while thinking this logic through. While Adobe Portfolio markets their interface as a 'simple' and easy-to-use solution, it was very confusing and hard to navigate. It took me quite a while to understand where to find the customization options I was looking for.

Additionally, how you customize a templates feels outdated and messy. For example, you can select a 'master' font that a template will use throughout your portfolio website. However, the method in which this 'master' font is then applied throughout the template feels half thought out. In practice, I would rather have the ability to define these choices in something like a website style-guide, rather than relying on Adobe Portfolio's to make what they think is the best decision.

Ultimately, this level of functionality and half-baked UI/UX is what you get with a solution that probably doesn't generate Adobe a whole lot of revenue and doesn't have a whole lot of resource dedicated to it.

Adobe Portfolio's confusing SEO features

3\. SEO

When it comes to Adobe Portfolio and it's SEO capabilities, let's just say you shouldn't expect to find your portfolio website at the top of any Google searches. Outside of a meta description, Adobe Portfolio drastically falls short to the comprehensive search engine optimization capabilities provided by more advanced website builders or content management systems mentioned previously. And to be honest, that is ok!

When it comes to the SEO features that Adobe Portfolio does offer, I think these were really focused towards it's ability to sync with your Behance profile. Within the maze of Adobe Portfolio's interface, you are provided a field for 'keywords'. At first glance it might be easy to think that using this field might give you some edge when it comes to appearing within the search engines, but that is not the case (maybe that was my naivety). This field is actually used for the keyword section on your Behance projects if you were to sync your work between the two. Again, I can appreciate the sentiment, but in-practice it feels somewhat useless.

4\. Creative Cloud Required

In order to take advantage of Adobe Portfolio, you need some tier of the Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. There's no way around it, and for graphic designers and creatives just starting out, this can be a big investment. Unlike other portfolio website builders that I mention on this website, there is no free version of Adobe Portfolio. It's only free when you purchase an Adobe CC subscription.

Something that I think would be interesting for Adobe to try out is providing Adobe Portfolio completely for free without an Adobe CC subscription as a way to get designers and creatives into their ecosystem. Then later upselling their subscription. Just a thought! But something I could see attracting more creatives and potentially boosting overall sentiment of the brand.

5\. Growth & Scalability

As a graphic designer grows in their career, their portfolio and business will evolve. They may require more advanced features and customization options, to match their level of presentation. Adobe Portfolio's focus on simplicity and ease of use results in a platform that doesn’t really grow along side your graphic design career and more so a bandaid for the short term.

Who should use Adobe Portfolio?

Who Should Use Adobe Portfolio?

While Adobe Portfolio may not be for everyone. It definitely has an audience in mind when it comes to creating a portfolio website. Here are some potential groups that I think can really benefit from using Adobe Portfolio for their portfolio website tool.

Design Students

This is something I see time and time again after reviewing over 100 design portfolios. If you are enrolled in a design course at a university or an online course, there will be a time when you will be required to have an online portfolio website. More often than not Adobe Portfolio is that tool because it easily accessible and quick to use.

Designers with 0-2 Years of Experience

Adobe Portfolio is a suitable choice for emerging graphic designers starting their careers, providing a quick solution to showcase their work. It can help them get a foot in the door for their first or second job opportunities. For this group, it is crucial to prioritize the quality of project images and the final output of their work.

Adobe Creative Cloud Subscribers

Graphic designers who already pay for Adobe Creative Cloud suite should take advantage of Adobe Portfolio. I mean why not? It’s 'free' at that point.

Designers with Time Constraints

For graphic designers who need to create a portfolio website quickly without investing excessive time in the web development process, Adobe Portfolio can be a valuable option. Its template-based approach and drag-and-drop functionality enable designers to quickly set up a visually appealing portfolio site.

Designers Using Behance

Adobe Portfolio seamlessly syncs with Behance which I think is one of its coolest features. Designers who are active on Behance and already have projects on the platform can sync their Adobe Portfolio with their Behance profile and have everything seamlessly created.

Who shouldn't use Adobe Portfolio?

Who Shouldn’t Use Adobe Portfolio?

While Adobe Portfolio may be suitable for some designers, there are certain groups who may find it less ideal for their needs. Here are some examples of who I think might not benefit from using Adobe Portfolio:

Designers with 2+ years of experience

Graphic designers who have gained experience from their few clients or full-time opportunities will begin to find Adobe Portfolio limiting. With a portfolio that has likely grown in size and quality, they will require more advanced customization options to truly showcase the expertise and skill they gained over time.

Designers Seeking Unique Branding

If you already have a specific style or aesthetic in mind, then Adobe Portfolio's template-based system may not offer enough flexibility. While it provides some customization options, the level of customization is minimal and may align with your brand vision.

Is Adobe Portfolio Right for You?

How to Know if Adobe Portfolio Right For You?

Choosing the right portfolio website tool can be a daunting task that requires a significant investment of time and effort. To simplify your decision-making process, here are some key factors to consider:

1\. Style and Aesthetic

Accept that Adobe Portfolio's available customization options are limited. And while limitations can sometimes be good for creativity and speed. Evaluate whether their current templates and design elements allow you to adequately express your unique style.

2\. Goals and Objectives

What is current goal or objective? Do you need a portfolio website for a class assignment or to submit your first job applications? Or are you ready to move on from your current role to bigger and better things? Consider if using Adobe Portfolio as your portfolio website tool will help elevate your portfolio of work or will it limit your creativity when presenting.

3\. Technical Ability

Are you comfortable or somewhat knowledgeable with basic web design? Could you potentially use another website platform tool that is listed within this article to build your portfolio website in the same amount of time if not faster?

4\. Budget

While Adobe Portfolio does come included with an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. Other portfolio website tools may require you to pay for a subscription for advanced features like custom domains. Is this something you are willing to invest in at this time?

Adobe Portfolio Alternatives

Free Adobe Portfolio Alternatives

While Adobe Portfolio is a popular choice for creating portfolio websites, there are also free alternatives I still think are great options for graphic designers. Here are two of my recommendations:


As mentioned earlier, Behance which is also owned by Adobe is a great solution for a portfolio website. It provides a built-in community for networking and exposure and what I believe is a more robust feature set when it comes to showcasing your creativity.


Dribbble is also a community-driven platform where designers can showcase their work and connect with other creatives. While it may not be the most robust and ownable portfolio platform, I think its creative-focused community makes up for it.


While not a traditional portfolio platform, Notion's flexibility and organization features make it a versatile tool for creating portfolio websites. Designers can leverage Notion's customizable templates to create a visually simple and content-focused portfolio.


So is Adobe Portfolio right for you? Or is it just a short-term solution in your journey as a graphic designer? While Adobe Portfolio can serve as a solid starting point for emerging graphic designers, its long-term viability may be limited. As your career progresses, it is important to reassess your goals and consider alternative options that align with your vision. Being included with Adobe Creative Cloud and integration with Behance make Adobe Portfolio a convenient choice for beginners, but as you gain experience and seek to differentiate yourself in the industry, exploring other platforms becomes necessary.
