Creative block can be a pain in the ass. One minute you're on fire, the next you're questioning your entire career choice. It happens to the best of us, and it's about as fun as watching paint dry.

I'm a graphic designer who got tired of feeling like my brain was a wrung-out sponge. So, I started doing something that actually worked - looking at other people's stuff. Not in a creepy way, but in a "hey, that's cool" way. I'm talking about a shot of visual inspiration from designers, artists, photographers - you name it. It's like caffeine for your eyeballs, minus the jitters.

That's what "Creative Juice" is all about. Every week, I'll send you one killer portfolio website and three pieces of creative work that don't suck. No fluff, no BS, just straight visual fuel to kickstart your brain.

It's simple: you subscribe, I deliver the juice, and you make something awesome.