Ai Hand Shadow Stories, Why Microwaving Pizza is Bad, The DJ and The War Crimes, and more.

Here is your freshly squeezed design inspiration for the week of August 22nd, 2023.

  • PORTFOLIO OF THE WEEK: Organize Everything in Your Portfolio Like This
  • Narraton by Aira Xiying Bao & Yubo Zhao
  • Hyde Park Picture House by Rabbithole
  • The DJ and The War Crimes by Rolling Stones
  • ONE TOK: Microwaving Pizza by Ryan D Anderson
  • ONE LESSON: Escaping The Jungle

If you would like the Creative Juice newsletter sent directly to your inbox every Monday, you can subscribe here.

Resource of the Week

Master Adobe Portfolio

"There were things I didn’t even know you could do, like setting the text styles and making columns. I feel more confident making my portfolio now!" – Jennifer S

This is a recent review from my Mastering Adobe Portfolio Mini Course I put together!

Out of the 108 portfolio reviews that I have completed in the last 4 months, 27% of those portfolios used Adobe Portfolio for their portfolio website. It's no wonder because Adobe Portfolio comes completely free with any Adobe CC subscription. But I continue to see designers under utilize the features that Adobe Portfolio has to offer which is why I put this mini-course together.

In this mini-course you'll learn:

1\. How to use text-styles for easy formatting.

2\. Creating multiple column layouts for your project pages.

3\. Adding rich-media elements like videos and forms.

4\. Customizing your selected theme.

5\. And much more!

My portfolio website has been one of the main reasons why I have been able to win the roles and clients that I currently have and I want the same for you.

If you want to check out my Master Adobe Portfolio for Your Portfolio Website then click the big button below 👇

Get Started with Master Adobe Portfolio Today

Something Gorgeous

BARVA Vases by Pani Jurek

Having been lost in the jungle all weekend, these elegant wavy vases instantly captivated me, mirroring the calming emotional surge that followed my whirlwind of fear, excitement, and vulnerability.

View more here.

Portfolio Of The Week

Organize Everything in Your Portfolio Like This

Rishikesh Nighot is a product designer based in San Francisco, California using his design portfolio website as a way to also showcase his talents outside of design. I have never been a fan of including material outside of design work in a primary way on your design portfolio website but I think Rishikesh has done it masterfully here. Normally, I would say a design portfolio website should include only a few highlighted projects on your homepage and grab your visitors eyes but I like this approach. On Rishikesh's homepage he has created 4 tiles that have been given equal attention to detail with the first two tiles being design focused. The first tile to the left being a sketchbook of sorts showing recently completed design exercises. The second tile, centered and highlighted with a glowing animation, contains all of Rishikesh's design case studies followed by tiles for his photography, recommended reads, and writing.

I think this makes sense because it gives a complete overview of Rishikesh's creative interests and focuses without them feeling like an after thought. Far too often I see designer's sharing their hobbies and interests on their design portfolio website in haphazard ways that feel unintentional but Rishikesh has done a great job with this on his portfolio website. Take a look for yourself here.

I also want to mention that Rishikesh's case studies are great and definitely worth looking at as well. He does a great job presenting his thinking and providing documentation throughout each stage of the design process.


View Organize Everything in Your Portfolio Like This's portfolio here.

Creative Finds

Narraton by Aira Xiying Bao & Yubo Zhao

A wonderful fusion of product design and Ai to build a playful storytelling machine that brings you back to the days of your childhood.

View more here.

Hyde Park Picture House by Rabbithole

A gas lit cinema first opened in 1914 gets a complete makeover bringing new life to this establishment and connecting with a wider audience then ever before.

View more here.

The DJ and The War Crimes by Rolling Stones

An interactive website by Rolling Stone investigating war crimes committed in Bosnia involving a death squad and a DJ. Filled with a ton of interactions as you navigate through the investigation, a great example of how design can really elevate content.

View more here.

One Tok

Microwaving Pizza by Ryan D Anderson

Illustration, animation, and music! All done by Ryan D Anderson, a super talented comedian, animator, and filmmaker. I love his style and creativity transforming mundane thoughts, visually captivating and intriguing art.

View more here.

One Lesson

Escaping The Jungle

Yes you are receiving your Creative Juice on Tuesday and not Monday but I can explain!

I was lost in a Jungle! Don't fret, I was with friends, and we weren't exactly far from civilization; it was more of an intentional escape. This wasn't some crazy drug induced trip, but I did completely want to disconnect from the work and writing that I do everyday. For me that means letting go of all of these extra responsibilities that I've made for myself over the last couple of years. Sounds a bit crazy but it was well worth it.

Prior to leaving for this quest I told all my clients that any requests would not be started till the end of next week and that was a first for me. Usually I would take my laptop with me and try to squeeze in any bit of work whenever I had some down time but not this time. Instead, I took the entire time to connect with friends, explore, and enjoy "being bored".

As a result, I've come back energized to get back to my keyboard, write, move pixels, and talk to clients.

Try it out for yourself!

PS. I know I said I would have another edition of Portfolio Squeeze out this month but that has proven to be a little more difficult and I am working on it!

PPS. If you have tried out my Master Adobe Portfolio Mini Course - let me know how it was and send me a reply with your new portfolio link.

PPPS. I am coming out with a new portfolio website template soon called Summit. If you haven't already checked out my first one, Front Page, then you can take a look here.

If you would like Creative Juice sent directly to your inbox every Monday, you can subscribe here.

Creative Juice Design Inspo Newsletter 10/21/24
Creative Juice Design Inspo Newsletter 10/14/24
Creative Juice Design Inspo Newsletter 10/07/24