Logo Fore Play, Passion for Exclusive Ai Car, Judge A Book By It's Cover, and more.

The Gift of Gubbins!

This week's Creative Juice newsletter features abstract photography from above, some logo fore play, and a garage of artificial cars. Enjoy!

Creative Juice is a weekly newsletter published every Monday morning so you can start your week feeling inspired creatively to make cool sh*t and get paid for it. Every Monday I share something gorgeous, a portfolio of the week, three creative finds, one amazing post from social media, and one lesson I learned recently.


If you have an idea of how I can improve Creative Juice and make it better, feel free to submit your feedback here.



PORTFOLIO OF THE WEEK: Well-crafted and Detailed Portfolio

CREATIVE FIND 01: Logo Fore Play

CREATIVE FIND 02: Passion for Exclusive Ai Car

CREATIVE FIND 03: Judge A Book By It's Cover

One Tok: What Is A Gubbins?

ONE LESSON: No One Is Like You

If you would like Creative Juice sent directly to your inbox every Monday, you can subscribe here.

Something Gorgeous

The Creatures

2023 Abstract Drone Photo Awards

2023 Abstract Drone Photo Awards

Unless you're on a plane every other week. We rarely get to see how things look from up above. So whenever I get the chance to I really appreciate it. The winners of the 2023 Drone Photo Awards are announced and the abstract category is one of my favorites. The photo above is from Gheorghe Popa.

View more here.

Portfolio of the Week

Well-crafted and Detailed Portfolio

Vitali Zahharov

Vitali Zahharov

Experienced. Well-traveled. Multidisciplinary designer Vitali Zahharov does a wonderful job crating his portfolio website to reflect his design taste and skill. I love the choice in typefaces, the contrast in hierarchy, and use of negative space. All elements that really communicate a seasoned and confident creative. Vitali also has a great homepage. He includes a great header, selected work, services, clients, and contact section. Which in my opinion are required on a homepage to stand out.

Score: 9.5/10

Built with: Cargo

View portfolio here.

Creative Finds

Logo Fore Play

2023 Abstract Drone Photo Awards

Golf Vibes Logo Process by Allan Peter

Allan Peters is a gangster when it comes to his logo creations and love how he outlined it in his project for Golf Vibes.

View more here.

Passion for Exclusive Ai Car

Artificial Garage

Artificial Garage

A beautiful self-initiated project from the Bonana. They created the branding and website for a car collecting service using Ai to generate the content. You can read their case study here.

View more here.

Judge A Book By It's Cover

2024 Penguin Books Cover Design Shortlist

2024 Penguin Books Cover Design Shortlist

I'm hoping there will be re-issues of Atomic Habits with some of these new cover designs. The one above is my favorite. There are also a ton of other interesting concepts in the Children's and Fiction categories you should check out.

View more here.

One Tok

What Is A Gubbins?



While endlessly scrolling TikTok I found this new puzzle game called Gubbins. While I'm not a big user of these games. I was very intrigued with the design and art direction of the game. The game is created by Studio Folly. A two person game design studio out of Melbourne. I will be following along on their page to keep up with the game and what they come up with next.

View more here.

One Lesson

No One Is Like You

No One Is Like You

Recently I shared a video on my TikTok where I said I would choose 3 portfolio websites to redesign. While reviewing the submissions I noticed that the one thing that was missing from a lot of the portfolios was personality. While I know it can be overwhelming in some of these website building platforms and you end up focusing on just getting something up. Leaving your personality out of the design process can leave your portfolio website looking stale. The one thing you should never forget is there is no one like you. What makes you, you, is your superpower. And ultimately is what will make you stand out.

If you would like Creative Juice sent directly to your inbox every Monday, you can subscribe here.

Creative Juice Design Inspo Newsletter 10/21/24
Creative Juice Design Inspo Newsletter 10/14/24
Creative Juice Design Inspo Newsletter 10/07/24