A Board Game Women Can't Win, Hot Dog Ice Sculptures, Skulls Filled with Things, and more.

Here is your freshly squeezed design inspiration for the week of August 14th, 2023.

  • SOMETHING GORGEOUS: Head Sculptures by EMXW
  • No Worries If Not by Billie x Little Troop
  • Belmont Park by BLVR
  • Biozeroc by How&How
  • ONE TOK: Hot Dog Sculpture Art
  • ONE LESSON: We All Start as Caterpillars

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Resource of the Week

Master Adobe Portfolio

Master Adobe Portfolio

"There were things I didn’t even know you could do, like setting the text styles and making columns. I feel more confident making my portfolio now!" – Jennifer S

This is a recent review from my Mastering Adobe Portfolio Mini Course I put together!

Out of the 108 portfolio reviews that I have completed in the last 4 months, 27% of those portfolios used Adobe Portfolio for their portfolio website. It's no wonder because Adobe Portfolio comes completely free with any Adobe CC subscription. But I continue to see designers under utilize the features that Adobe Portfolio has to offer which is why I put this mini-course together.

  1. How to use text-styles for easy formatting.
  2. Creating multiple column layouts for your project pages.
  3. Adding rich-media elements like videos and forms.
  4. Customizing your selected theme.
  5. And much more!

My portfolio website has been one of the main reasons why I have been able to win the roles and clients that I currently have and I want the same for you.

If you want to check out my Master Adobe Portfolio for Your Portfolio Website then click the big button below 👇

Get Started with Master Adobe Portfolio Today

Something Gorgeous

Head Sculptures by EMXW

Head Sculptures by EMXW

Some days I feel like my brain is filled with spaghetti and these sculptures by artists Edwige Massart and Xavier Wynn capture exactly that. Edwige and Xavier work together under the name EMXW, to create wonderful sculpture profiles of skulls derived from their fascination with medical imagery. Comprised of found objects ranging from over the counter headache pills to washed up seashells, the sculptures are playful and keep my eyes occupied examining every little detail in each skull.

I love seeing all the quirky and unexpected objects they've used to create the sculptures and they remind me of the game Operation, that I used to play when I was a kid. I also really enjoy how each sculpture varies in approach. One may used objects only found on a beach, while others may focus on objects that have a specific color. No sculpture is the same but as a series feel complete and absolutely gorgeous.

View more here.

Portfolio Of The Week



Wow! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PORTFOLIO by Ego. There are so many good things with this portfolio website design so let's jump right into it. Let's break this portfolio website down by section starting with the header. I like to think that the header is one of the most important sections of your portfolio website and if done right, can set you up for success. Egor has included a quick intro blurb about what he does, where he has worked and his experience, and included a delightful illustration that draws me in to the type of work he likes to do (web, graphic, and motion). I also want to make sure and mention that I love the color palette he has chosen as it is not a popular pairing amongst the world of portfolio websites.

Next, the work! Egor has a typographic list that includes a lovely hover interaction revealing a preview of the project. Notice that Egor has decided to link out to the actual live project rather than going into a case-study which I think is appropriate when present a large collection of work especially web-based projects.

Below Egor's work is a quant section detailing his process but with a musical spin on it tying together the keyboard illustration in his header section. Love this connection and display of personality.

Further down Egor has a sort-of 'blog' section that includes his experiments with design and motion which just layers on the confidence in his creative abilities.

Finally, Egor wraps up his portfolio website with a beautiful call-to-action that includes his wonderful keyboard animation.

So many things done right on with this portfolio website and you should definitely check it out if you're currently working on your portfolio website.

Portfolio Rating: 9.5/10

Built With: Framer

View Egor's portfolio here.

Creative Finds

No Worries If Not by Billie x Little Troop

No Worries If Not by Billie x Little Troop

No Worries If Not! is a game that plays on the “real life setbacks and pitfalls” that women face everyday. Created by the women's haircare brand Billie, designed by the talented duo of Little Troop.

Check out my podcast with Little Troop here.

View more here.

Belmont Park by BLVR

Belmont Park by BLVR

Capturing that West-Coast vibe for the San Diego theme park, Belmont Park, BLVR knocked this one out of the park.

View more here.

Biozeroc by How&How

Biozeroc by How&How

Did you know the cement industry is responsible for 8% of planet-warming CO2 emission? I didn't, but Biozeroc is changing that and this visual identity by How&How is perfect platform for them to do so.

View more here.

One Tok

Hot Dog Sculpture Art

Hot Dog Sculpture Art

I swear my iPhone is listening to me because all week I have been craving a good ol'fashioned hot dog and then this shows up in my feed. Sunday Nobody is a 'meme artist' that goes through quite the exhaustive process to create his comical art pieces that I can't help but love like this one where he boiled 394 hot dogs, gave the hot dogs away for free, froze the hot dog water, made hot dog ice sculptures out of them, jarred them, and mailed them to buyers...just watch the video 😂

View more here.

One Lesson

We All Start as Caterpillars

A caterpillar drearily inched along the earth, envying the butterflies that fluttered overhead. It desperately hoped to somehow sprout wings and join them up above.

One day, a chrysalis attached itself to a nearby branch and spoke to the caterpillar. "Do not despair, for you too will soon soar as I do now," it said. "Simply trust in your own transformation."

But the caterpillar could not imagine itself flying gracefully through the air. It continued crawling, head down in resignation.

As time passed, the chrysalis wriggled and finally burst open. A beautiful butterfly emerged, drying its new hypnotizing wings. The caterpillar looked up in awe as the butterfly took its inaugural flight into the sky.

At that moment, the caterpillar realized its wings were within it all along. It quietly began weaving its own cocoon, patiently awaiting the day it too would emerge transformed.

The Lesson: No matter how humble our beginnings, we each hold latent talents ready to blossom in time. With a little faith and patience, we can achieve more than we ever imagined possible.

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