
In this portfolio review, I connect with recent graduate Liam to optimize his portfolio website to attract potential employers and secure more interviews. While the bones are there, a few key tweaks can really elevate his presentation.

First, I suggest redesigning the homepage to immediately showcase Liam's best projects. Thumbnail images linking to case studies make a stronger first impression than text-heavy tiles. I also recommend merging his client and personal projects into one cohesive portfolio section for a more fluid, impactful viewing experience.

Within projects, I'd love to see Liam's logo design process articulated in more depth. Sharing his concepting methodology and iterations will create connection. I also advise displaying work in realistic mockups to contextualize deliverables.

Finally, I propose creating a separate "playground" blog to house Liam's explorations and behind-the-scenes snippets. This keeps the main portfolio focused while still inviting a peek into his process.By implementing these hierarchy, organization, and content updates, Liam's portfolio will put his skills front and center and make a memorable impression on hiring managers. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Key Points

  • How to format your design portfolio website homepage.
  • What design projects to showcase and how on your design portfolio website.
  • Presenting your process and not just final deliverables.
  • How to present deliverables in-situation.

To Think On

  • What are your top 3-4 projects? What is the work you want to do more of?
  • How can you tell more of a story when presenting a design project?
  • What are the different steps you took along the way of a design project that got you from start to finish?


  • Feature your 3-4 best projects on your design portfolio website homepage.
  • Provide more context and description about your process in your design projects. Imagine walking a friend or family member through the project and what would you point out to them.
  • Consider creating a 'blog' page to showcase your visual exercises and passion projects to separate from the work you want to show clients.
Portfolio Reviews